Sunday, April 27, 2008

Comment #3: Produsage, user-lead creations and gaming.

Comment number 3 goes to a blogger that seeks out the produsage concept of games in Produsage, user-lead creations and gaming. and here is my comment:

Hey Obsession101, as a video gamer myself I can understand why the success of games that employ the produsage concept encourages more participatory users to actively collaborative with one-another. As you previously discussed in regards to game ‘The Movies’, is that gamers are more willing to contribute their user-led content because they want to ‘show off their work’ along with other numerous reasons.

That is probably the most significant and prime reasons as to why users will distribute their work, as I outlined in my blog entry: Benefits of Produsage Communities, is that the contributors seek to be recognised and gain or increase their social capital as contributors. Contribution that can help gain social capital for users is the quality or usefulness of the contribution.

The particular individual reward as Bruns explains, is that it will prolong a further strong motivation for participation in produsage communities and projects.What you have outlined in your blog is a perfect example of how industries are utilising the produsage concept to gain capital. I find this article highly relevant for those seeking how produsage can apply in varied key domains – rather than social networking sites (myspace) and knowledge bases (Wikipedia).

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